Week One: Concept and Brainstorming
We met and did some brainstorming in order to find an idea for a new gaming interface and an appropriate game demonstrating its use.
The principle questions which we encountered are:
- Which type of physical modality to use? What to measure?
- For each of that: How to use in a game? Which are the components of the game and what is the ambiton?
The concept map provides an overview over what we thought of ...
Secondarily, we found some dimensions for characterizing games:
- Computer-based (about all of the game is in the computer, players just use input devices to controll it) vs. computer-supported gaming (large parts of the game are outside the computer which is reduced to an umpire)
Single-player vs. Multi-player, cooperative vs. competitive
- Ambition of the game: Endless fun vs. fulfill a goal in a certain amount of time vs. increase quotient of points-for-task/time-used.
The Game
Firefly is a game where you must navigate a bug called Firefly through the world he lives in. Firefly will always follow the light and avoid shadily places. His aim is to build a nest and it is your task to help him: Gather all the different materials that are needed in order to create a shelter for the young Fireflies. But keep in mind: Firefly does not survive without food. The longer the last meal is ago the slower Firefly will become. So plan betimes to move Firefly to where he can find something to eat that will restore his powers. If Firefly has recovered his strength he can go on collecting useful materials. But be aware: There are dangers awaiting you in Firefly's world that you will have to face.
Every player will navigate his own bug through the map and collect materials for the nest. You can either be fast in building your nest or try to interfere with your opponent for example by stealing material he has collected. Goal
The aim of this game is to keep Firefly alive and to help him building a comfortable nest.
Single-player modes:
- Since some materials are more suitable than others you get different points for every piece you bring to your nest. Maximize your score while building a shelter for the young Fireflies.
- Time is short. Help Firefly to build a nest before the time is up.
Two-payer modes:
- Be a fast nest-builder since when the first beetle has finished his nest the game is over and he has won the game.
- It is important to build a shelter where the young Fireflies will feel comfortable. So it is not only important to be fast but also to collect materials that give a high score. When the first beetle has finished the nest which is most firm will get the highest score.
The Input Device
How it works
The input device of this game is Light Pad. It is a rectangular board that contains a matrix of light sensors that you can control with both of your hands. The light sensors observe the location of your hands and send the data to the computer.
The computer maps the position of your hands on the map: The light sensor in the middle of the light pad represents the position of the beetle you navigate. By moving the hands over the board you can change the lighting in the scene and force the Firefly to move in the direction where the light is strongest. If you want the Firefly to stop you must assure that his position is best lighted.
Where else can you use it
- The Light Pad can be used as an input device for navigation. By moving the hands you cover different areas of light sensors which causes movements in different directions.
- Even zooming is possible: Moving the hands fast from above down towards the sensors means to zoom into the picture, movements from the sensors away will cause zooming out.
- It would even be possible to use the Light Pad in order to create waves/streams in a water world. With this technique you can navigate boats through the water.
- As shown in Sketch 2 and 3 there is more than one reasonable mapping that can be realized using this device
Our needs
In order to realize our ideas we need the following materials:
- 2 x 25 light sensors in order to build two light pads
- 2 Interfaces (one for each light pad) which transfers the sensor data to the computer